Happy Monday leftovers!
No newsletter issue today since we’re still recovering from our Thanksgiving food coma…but we have a EOY special for you: 20-question CTVC Oracle survey.
For all those who celebrated Thanksgiving we hope your turkey was tender, your conversations amicable, and this week’s sandwiches plentiful. With Christmas songs now taking over the airwaves, next thing you know the holidays and new year will be here — so this week we’re taking a week out from our usual programming to look ahead at climate tech in the year 2025.
Last year, we enlisted you to serve as our clairvoyants to help us predict this year in climate tech, and now, we’re asking you to go back to the future, again. As we close in on the end of 2024 — and what a year’s it’s been — it’s time to dust off our crystal balls and peer into the next twelve months of climate tech.
You can find our survey here, and it will be open until the end of the year. There are 20 questions, can be completed in a few minutes, with all questions and comments optional. Dive in and tap into your inner Nostradamus — who knows, you might just become the next climate oracle!
We'll publish last year's results once the year is complete, but as a reminder here are some of the buzzy topics you predicted for this year!
We’ll be back next week with our regularly scheduled programming. In the meantime, sign up, schedule a demo, or get in touch below.
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