For those who have access to SolarAPP+ in their jurisdiction, the benefits are abundant. The platform is easy to sign up for and can lower permitting-related delays with automation. It standardizes up to 90% of system plans and integrates with existing government software. More than 160 communities are already automating their permits with SolarAPP+, but countless others don’t yet have access to the technology. Solar professionals, here are three ways you can advocate for SolarAPP+ in your community!
1. Learn more about the SolarAPP+ platform
To advocate for SolarAPP+ successfully, you have to have a reasonable amount of knowledge about how the technology works. A great starting place is the quick 4 facts blog we put together. From there, SolarAPP+ has follow-up stats and resources on their website including scheduled live demonstrations, and for super busy schedules, pre-recorded demos. You can also email the SolarAPP+ staff at team@solar-app.org with more specific questions.
2. Reach out to your local jurisdictions
Solar business owners and installers are closest to the issues of permitting and are the best voice to advocate for automated technology. By reaching out to your local representatives, you can put SolarAPP+ on their radar and discuss the benefits it can provide businesses and your community.
SolarAPP+ has a jurisdiction resource page that you can share with your representatives for more information. You can email your local representative. Your email doesn’t have to be lengthy or complicated. Here’s a few ideas of what to include to get your message started.
- Start with a short subject line, the names of your representatives and a short introduction with your name and position/company.
- Clearly state you are inquiring about the possibility of your jurisdiction participating in SolarAPP+, the Solar Automated Permit Processing system developed by the U.S. Department of Energy.
- Add in a link to the SolarAPP+ website, a few reasons why your team wants to use SolarAPP+ and call to register your jurisdiction.
Note: You can find your permitting representative by locating the permitting department on your city’s webpage.
3. Spread the word
Get peer professionals interested in SolarAPP+. Share your knowledge on how automated permitting can help them and their customers.
Send others this blog post and encourage them to contact their representatives as well. The more voices your reps hear from, the more likely they are to consider your requests.
Spread the word that SolarAPP+ helps permitting offices too. In 2022, the NREL estimated that over 9,900 hours of jurisdiction staff time were saved by using SolarAPP+. One quote reads: We’re looking at a 50% reduction in the solar permits that we have to touch and process.” — Carla Blackwell, director of Pima County, AZ Development Services, Automated Permitting with SolarAPP+
Customers who have special interests in solar or the process can also be advocates, anyone has the right to reach out to their representatives! We believe that one day automated permitting will be an integrated part of installations country-wide. In the meantime, every advocate helps further the technology and our industry.
Financing applied for and processed through the Mosaic platform is originated by Solar Mosaic LLC or one of its lending/financing partners. Equal Housing Lender