SpurTopia Homestead



We are very excited to announce that we recently (May 2016) bought a property. 

Spurtopia Homestead

 After a long search for a suitable location and land size we were lucky to find a property (a double story five bedroom house with a swimming pool and a Bali hut) on one acre of land in Fernvale. For those who don’t know, Fernvale is a beautiful small country town near Lake Wivenhoe, about 60 km west of Brisbane.

We are so thrilled about the property as we can see so much potential in it. There is plenty of land, an acre, which is just the right size for us to grow our organic food, native and fruit trees as well as free range chickens and honey bees.

We are already in the process of establishing garden beds to grow organic vegetables. The first things we moved to the property were several ute loads of horse manure 🙂 as the soil here is really bad and needs a great deal of work and organic material.

The house needs quite a bit of TLC which is not a problem for us. We are currently working on the landscape design and sourcing a lot of materials (either free or in exchange for some of our home brew – beer, ginger lemonade or mead).

Buying a house is a headache for most people. However, in our case, we do not have any debt and we are free as a bird. We managed to buy the property for cash which we saved in the last 12 years.

A new story is just about to start. We have been transforming this property into Spurtopia homestead which is going to be used to educate people to live more sustainably. Plenty of open days, workshops, internships and wellbeing retreats are going to take place here so people can experience, learn and be inspired by a fulfilling, simple and healthy lifestyle.

So watch the space. It’s coming soon!

Your Spurtopians

Roman, Jana, Lada & Zlata

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