Using Solar Energy in Developing Countries



Solar Panels

Solar energy is the future of sustainable energy creation & use. While compared to developed nations, the upfront cost of installing and setting up systems for harnessing the energy can be extra high, it can be completely possible and cost-effective once done. After the initial cost is paid off, there are significant future savings that can be beneficial for developing countries with limited financial resources and budgets.

Developing nations can best use solar power to lessen their reliance on non-renewable sources and increase the amount of energy they create. This can be incredibly powerful for gaining access to electricity in remote areas of the country, boosting economic progress and even harnessing dependable electricity to create a more efficient infrastructure.

Here are 3 incredible examples of how third-world countries are combatting energy poverty to make a mark with renewable energy.

1. Rwanda is a beautiful example of how harnessing solar power and bringing electricity to off-grid villages and homes has increased the quality of life of the people. The Strategic Climate Fund Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program Grant secured funding to help bring dependable electricity and help children study at night, and ensure businesses grow & thrive in the community.

2. India is a nation that is combating the lack of energy in certain parts of the country by working on installing solar-powered microgrids in remote settlements to help better healthcare facilities, improve education opportunities and increase enterprise growth. In a country with such a large population, adding solar installations on small as well as large scale is helping provide the locals with thousands of jobs.

3. Solar Home Systems in Bangladesh have improved the quality of life of residents and given homeowners safe & dependable electricity. The energy-efficient home systems including roof panels and solar farms are providing nearly 5.2 million homes with power every year. What’s amazing is that nearly 12% of Bangladesh now has benefitted from making this pivot to cleaner & more renewable energy power.

Using solar power is not just for the future of clean energy, but it can significantly empower communities in terms of development, growth & progress to close the energy gap between developed and developing nations around the globe. From industry use to agriculture & manufacturing, these nations can & are harnessing renewable energy to build a stronger economy and fight climate change for generations to come.


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