Here is a look at Carbdown’s year 2023 with a collection of videos about our work!
Picking up our holiday tradition we have a special, final blog post for 2023 for you. Last year we published a photo album of rock weathering projects around the world. This year we invite you to a TV session with videos about us and our projects, all of them published in the last 12 months.
We started the year with the setup of our greenhouse project. 25 scientists came to Fürth and helped us to set up almost 400 lysimeter experiments. Our resident youtuber Patrick has produced a nice video about these two days (German with English subtitles):
In February a short video portrait about our CEO Dirk Paessler was published by Impulse Medien (German audio only, no subtitles):
Soon after the grass began to grow we had to start cutting the grass regularly.
By June the whole greenhouse was in full growth mode:
In July we had finished engineering and building our fluxmeter army and the fluxmeters were moved to the greenhouse:
In August ARTE published a documentary about negative emissions (German only) which also features footage from our experiments as well as an interview with CEO Dirk: Kühlung für die Erde – Wie holen wir das CO2 aus der Luft? (also available on Youtobe, part 1 and part 2).
This is what happened for us in 2023. How was your year? We are always delighted by emails to
Our work will even intensify in the upcoming year, we just grew our core team from 3 to 5 people (not counting a whole entourage of practical helpers, media helpers, science helpers, paperwork helpers and day-to-day helpers). So all this will become even more interesting and fun next year!
Have a good 2024 everybody! And Merry Christmas (or holidays), if that is a thing where you live.
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