Carbon Markets

The Great Maw of Consumerism

A friend and I bought the house I live in. It was 2009. A sliver of a moment when the financial system tanked enough...

Can Civilization Survive? These Studies Might Tell Us

The world’s shift away from its current reliance on fossil fuels will be the biggest, most expensive, and most complex technical project ever attempted...

2023: Time for growth and delivery

The ‘energy trilemma’ – the need to deliver energy security and affordability, while also transitioning to net zero – has never...

Winter 2022 Edition: The Dirt eNewsletter

As winter approaches in Vermont, members of our team are waxing our skis and waxing poetic about the post COP27 outlook, the agricultural landscape...

The Final Doubling

This essay is dedicated to the memory of Herman Daly, the father of ecological economics, who began writing about the absurdity of perpetual economic...

How Trees Benefit Animals & Promote Biodiversity

At The Carbon Offset Company, our goal is to enable businesses and individuals to align with the planet. One of our major initiatives is...

Blues for America

Recently my wife Janet and I splurged on tickets to a spellbinding concert by the Lincoln Center Jazz Orchestra. The music was memorable, but...

What you need to know about the energy crisis

In May I wrote about the emerging energy and food crisis gripping the world due largely to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The crisis continues to...

How To Live Sustainably – 3 Ways You Can Help The Environment Right Now

Living a more sustainable life is a goal we should all shoot for. As climate and environmental issues continue to worsen, we can all...

Holy Sh*t, Overshoot! Don’t Dither; Do

July 28 was EARTH OVERSHOOT DAY. On July 29 we went into ecological deficit. Humans have used the entire annual budget of resources that...

Meet Our Advisors: Elizabeth Sawin

As a way to introduce our new Advisors to our larger community, we’ve asked them to answer a question or two that gives us...

Comparison of carbon credits: CER, VER & TER

Carbon credits are tradable proof of reducing or removing a specific amount of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. They are issued in a form...

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