Conference Highlights Biodiesel, Renewable Diesel and SAF



The 2025 Clean Fuels Conference is underway in San Diego bringing together industry leaders in the biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel markets with the theme “Accelerate.”

Clean Fuels Alliance America CEO Donnell Rehagen says the meeting theme refers to the rapid growth and transformative progress of the biodiesel, renewable diesel, and sustainable aviation fuel industries. “We’re now a 5 billion gallon year industry. We’ve doubled in size in the last four years,” said Rehagen. “So we’re we’re expecting to have probably about 1000 people gathering San Diego.”

Clean Fuels Communications Director Heather Buechter says they are very excited about the conference agenda which will highlight the role that clean fuels plays in California. “It’s worth noting that biodiesel and renewable diesel now make up 75% of California’s diesel pool under the low carbon fuel standard.”

Mainstage session topics include:

California Dreamin’: Clean Fuels’ Time to Shine: The current and future role of biodiesel and renewable diesel in California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard
Acceleration of Change: Clean Fuels Policy, Plus Renewable Diesel Deep-Dive: What to expect from the new administration on fuel policies and what that could mean for businesses
All Aboard: Rail Contemplates Life After Diesel: How biodiesel and renewable diesel are helping the rail industry reach clean-fuel goals
Detour Ahead?: New Emissions Regulations Driving OEM Product: Clean fuel regulation and challenges for Original Equipment Manufacturers and fleets
Feedstock Revolution: Unleashing the Power for Clean Fuels: How conventional and new feedstock supplies are developing to meet new demands for clean fuel

The Clean Fuels Vehicle Showcase Wednesday evening will feature a range of heavy-duty equipment and technologies with representatives on hand to answer questions.

Follow coverage of the conference on the Clean Fuels Conference Blog.

Interview with Heather Buechter, Clean Fuels (9:09)

NAFB24 Donnell Rehagen, Clean Fuels (2:54)

2025 Clean Fuels Conference Photo Album


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