Environmental News

E2: Showing Policymakers the Companies Driving North Carolina’s Clean Economy Expansion

Like much of the rest of our country, North Carolina is experiencing an accelerating boom in its clean energy and cleantech industries, driving economic...

Sortera announces the appointment of its UK Managing Director

Sortera is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark McCleery as its UK Managing Director.  A leader in waste management and the sale of...

Going carbon negative to address climate change

Whilst many technologies seek to deliver net zero, most fall short when whole life cycle is considered. We therefore need to deliver technologies that...

Tusk gorilla trail sculptures set for public auction

Following the success of the Tusk Gorilla Trail at Covent Garden, Tusk is proud to announce that the gorilla artworks are set to be auctioned...

Microplastics with elongated shapes travel further in the environment

"Microplastic flow: this diagram illustrates how tiny fibres of plastic move within the environment. (Courtesy: Shuolin Xiao <em>et al</em>/<em>Nature Geoscience</em>)" Researchers in the US have...

Laser gyroscope measures tiny fluctuations in Earth’s rotation

"Basement ring: the laser gyroscope. (Courtesy: K Ulrich Schreiber <i>et al</i>/<i>Nature Photonics</i>)" After 30 years of painstaking development, researchers in Germany and New Zealand have...

"Cloud expert: Lubna Dada and colleagues have found that sesquiterpenes have the potential to play an important role in cloud formation. (Courtesy: Paul...

Organic molecule from trees excels at seeding clouds, CERN study reveals

"Cloud expert: Lubna Dada and colleagues have found that sesquiterpenes have the potential to play an important role in cloud formation. (Courtesy: Paul...

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