Food & Agriculture

The Conflict Between the Sustainable Development Goals and Environmental Activists

At the end of the 20th century, the United Nations (UN) launched the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The MDGs were a list of eight Goals with a...

Part 1 Erosion: How Much is it Costing US?

Soil erosion has been one of the most persistent challenges humanity has faced since the advent of agriculture over 10,000 years ago. Loss of...

Food Transportation Needs to be an Essential Service

As Canadian rail transportation spiralled downward to a complete halt in the latter part of August, the inability to move any products by rail...

3 boxes now available for courier to your home or collection from the Farmer Angus office.

As of today we are able to provide you with 3 different boxes of produce that you can get couriered to your home or...

U.S. Wheat Associates Statement on USDA Approval of HB4® Drought-Tolerant Wheat Trait

U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) commends the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for its thorough, science-based process resulting in the deregulation of the HB4® drought-tolerant...

Research: SPEAR® LEP delivers highly competitive performance against NOW on almonds and pistachios

As navel orangeworm (NOW) continues to cause significant losses to crop quality and yield for almond and pistachio growers, third-party research finds SPEAR® LEP...

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