Go Carbon Neutral For $10 Per Month



Climate change is an overwhelming problem. It is currently intensifying storms, fires, and disease at a global level, while also disrupting entire food systems and economies. There is a reason why many foundations steer clear of climate funding: they want to ensure that their dollars have a tangible impact, and with a problem as vast as climate change, it can be hard to ensure that their investments are direct and powerful. 

This line of thinking pertains to individuals as well. Many of us are deeply concerned about climate change, but the more we learn, the less we believe our individual actions can matter. It is natural for us to turn our anxiety into bouts of apathy, choosing to ignore climate change for the sake of our own mental health. 

By participating in modern society, we are inherently complicit in a system in need of significant change to ensure a sustainable world for generations to come. Until that change comes, it can be difficult to feel comforted by individual (albeit important) actions such as composting and choosing public transit.

The Carbon Lighthouse Association (CLA) has made individual climate action more powerful and streamlined than ever. For ten dollars per month, you can cancel out your entire carbon footprint and walk the earth with your conscience clear. There is no catch, no convoluted action required, no uncertainty of where your money goes or how direct its impact will be. With all the fear and confusion surrounding climate change, it sounds too good to be true. Let us explain.

Twelve U.S. state governments have enacted cap and trade programs, meaning that only a certain amount of carbon emissions are allowed. Corporations have to purchase carbon credits (allowances), to be able to use a portion of that state’s carbon budget. These allowances are auctioned off to the highest bidder. 

To the dismay of the fossil fuel industry, our non-profit also participates in these auctions. When we purchase carbon allowances, we retire them so they cannot be used to pollute. Not only does this action eliminate the CO2 that would have been emitted if a corporation had purchased the allowances, it also makes the purchasing of carbon allowances more competitive and expensive. 

Graphic: How CLA Reduces the Carbon Emissions

Moreover, the funding earned from these auctions gets reinvested into the state governments’ green initiatives, doubling the impact. Our strategy is to directly alleviate the problem at hand while also disrupting the powers that be.

Where do you come in? The average U.S. citizen emits roughly one ton of CO2 per month. CLA can purchase and retire one ton of CO2 from these auctions for only ten dollars. Therefore, by donating ten dollars per month, you are taking away carbon from polluting industries, and dissipating your own existing carbon usage. 

CLA will bid on your behalf and fight for your future. You no longer have to feel complicit in a broken system, or insignificant in the face of our world’s biggest challenge. You can feel  empowered, and at peace. Start now.


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