How Do Solar Panels Work?



Solar power is making significant strides in the energy sector, offering a renewable and green resource for energy consumption. But what is the mechanism behind rooftop solar panels? How do these shiny, sleek devices convert the sun’s rays into electricity? Let’s explore the intricate world of solar energy systems.

The natural energy of solar radiation

Beyond providing life-sustaining warmth and light, direct sunlight is a potent renewable energy source for our homes and businesses. Solar panels, or photovoltaic (PV) panels, convert sunlight into DC electricity using PV cells made from a semiconductor material like silicon. When sunlight hits these solar cells, electrons flow, generating an electric current.

The photovoltaic effect and silicon’s role

The photovoltaic effect, discovered by French physicist Edmond Becquerel in 1839, is the principle of electricity generation through solar panels. Silicon is pivotal to solar generation because of its photosensitive semiconducting properties. The solar industry also uses other materials for photovoltaic systems besides silicon cells, such as cadmium telluride, copper indium gallium (di)selenide, and thin-film solar cells.

The sun produces electromagnetic radiation, continuously sending photons to Earth. Within a solar panel, these photons strike the photovoltaic cells, transferring their energy to knock electrons free within the solar cell material. This activity triggers electron flow, generating an electric field. To enhance the efficiency of this electrical circuit, the photovoltaic cell is split into positive and negative sides, each doped with different elements to create more charge.

How do solar panels generate electricity?

Individual solar panels produce electricity through direct current (DC) power. However, most household appliances operate on alternating current (AC) power. A solar inverter transforms DC electricity into AC electricity within a solar system, making the solar power work for household devices. This ensures your solar modules generate electricity that is compatible with your home’s electrical infrastructure and the greater AC grid.

Storing solar energy in batteries

Thanks to the solar battery, solar power is still viable even when sunlight is unavailable. These batteries are designed to store the excess electricity your solar panels generate throughout the day.

As night falls, your solar energy system switches to battery mode, providing your home with stored solar power. This guarantees a consistent electricity supply for personal energy usage, regardless of the time of day or weather conditions.

Additional solar technologies

Aside from photovoltaic (PV) systems, alternative technologies like solar thermal panels and concentrated solar power (CSP) enhance solar energy utilisation. Solar thermal panels capture the sun’s energy to heat water or air for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes.

Meanwhile, CSP systems concentrate sunlight with mirrors or lenses onto a small area, efficiently generating electricity through a steam turbine. These innovative solutions broaden the usage of solar energy.

Integrating your solar array into the power grid

Solar panels can be integrated with the electricity grid using net metering. This system allows the excess energy produced by the solar PV panels to be sent back to the grid, potentially leading to credits or reductions in the electricity bill issued by your energy retailer. This ensures a reliable electricity supply even when generating electricity from sunlight isn’t possible.

Embrace renewable energy sources today with Solar Group

Are you prepared to reduce your carbon footprint and adopt the future of energy production? Solar Group offers a free analysis tool that delivers a personalised evaluation of your property’s potential for solar energy and a tailored quote for a solar system.

Get in touch with Solar Group to discover how installing solar panel systems can help you generate more electricity using sustainable energy. Our solar panel specialists are here to assist you in understanding and maximising the benefits of solar. Let’s power your home or business with the sun’s energy!

The post How Do Solar Panels Work? appeared first on Solar Group Ltd.


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