Is My Roof Suitable For Solar Panels?



Adopting renewable electricity is a practical way to reduce your carbon footprint and lower energy bills. Solar panels are a popular option for homeowners and business owners in New Zealand, where sunlight is plentiful in many regions. Discover the ideal roof types that best support solar panels and explore alternative options for solar panel installation.

Check the direction and angle of your roof

Both the roof orientation and incline are significant factors in how much electricity your solar PV system can generate. At the ideal angle, your rooftop solar array will receive more direct sunlight, so your panels produce the most energy. In the northern hemisphere, south-facing roof panels would be ideal as they typically receive the most sunlight.

However, in New Zealand, a north-facing roof is ideal. West-facing roofs and east-facing roofs capture less sunlight but may still be suitable for solar energy systems. The optimum angle of your roof pitch should be between 15 and 40 degrees. Roofs below 15 degrees are considered ‘flat roofs’. However, flat solar panels are prone to accumulating debris and water, reducing efficiency and potentially causing damage over time.

Assess the shade on your roof

More sunlight means more power is generated, so shade can significantly affect the performance of solar panels installed. Observe the shade patterns on your roof throughout the day to identify any trees, buildings, or structures that cast shadows.

While extensive shading might make your roof unsuitable for solar panels, intermittent shadows cast by the early morning sun or late afternoon could be manageable, providing sufficient sunlight for most of the day.

In addition to the shade, be aware of potential obstructions that may affect panel placement or efficiency, such as roof vents and skylights.

Evaluate your roof condition and age

It’s essential to consider the age and state of your roof before you install panels. As solar panels have a 25-30-year lifespan, your roof should be in a condition to last at least as long. If your roof requires repair or replacement, it’s wise to undertake this work before installing solar panels to ensure the durability of your new solar panel system.

Determine the load-bearing capacity of your roof

Solar panels can add extra weight to a structure, so your roof needs to be able to support them. The good news is that this extra weight usually isn’t a lot. Nearly all houses with standard roof materials are suitable for solar panels, even without reinforcement before the installation process. The best roof material for a solar installation is durable and easy to work with, such as metal or asphalt shingles.

Consider local regulations and permits

Compliance with local regulations and acquiring the necessary permits is a prerequisite for solar panel installation. Most roofs do not require a building permit for solar installation. However, you need to apply for one if the panels are your roof’s cladding or if installing solar will require a structural alteration of your roof. Adhering to these rules is imperative to avoid future legal complications.

Alternative option for solar panel installation: Building a ground mount

How much roof space you have will be a significant factor in how many solar panels you can install and how much more energy you can produce. If you do not have a large roof size or your roof is otherwise not suitable for solar panels, an alternative is to build a ground mount to lay panels on.

A ground-mounted solar energy system is ideal if the land space is available. It allows your solar installers to adjust your panels to the optimal angle, helping you generate electricity most efficiently. So, even if you don’t have much clean roof space, have a flat roof, or have an east- or west-facing roof, you can still install solar panels and reap the benefits of solar power.

Install a solar system tailored to your needs with Solar Group

Want to know if you have a roof suitable for solar installations? Our team at Solar Group can examine structural integrity, estimate potential energy production, and recommend the optimal solar solution for your home. If you’re interested in harnessing the power of renewable solar energy and saving on your electricity bill, use our free online solar analysis tool or contact us today!

The post Is My Roof Suitable For Solar Panels? appeared first on Solar Group Ltd.


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