Welcome to Kavya organic farming blog!
This blog is dedicated to providing practical tips, information, and inspiration to help you on your organic farming journey. Whether you’re a seasoned grower or a beginner, you’ll find articles on topics such as seed starting, soil health, crop rotation, and more. We also cover broader topics such as the benefits of organic farming, the importance of pollinators, and the challenges of sustainable agriculture.

Our Latest Articles
Uncovering Crassula Ovata Plant Benefits
Crassula Ovata is a perennial plant commonly known as a jade plant native to Africa and belonging to the Crassulaceae family. It is a popular succulent houseplant that is…
Unfolding Song of India Plant Benefits
The Song of India plant, Dracaena reflexa which belongs to the family Asparagaceace is a tropical shrub native to Africa. One of the simplest and most pleasing song of India…
Uncovering Kovakkai Benefits: A handbook
If you want to enhance the taste of the most basic dish ranging from stir-fries to curries just add some Kovakki commonly known as Ivy Gourd in it. It’s not just a taste…
Grow Pencil Cactus Benefits and Care Guide
Euphorbia tirucalli is a succulent shrub optimally grown in semi-arid and tropical climates and native to Asia and Africa. This plant can be as high as 30 ft tall and 6-10 ft…
Are Sunflowers Perennials or Annuals: Let’s Find the Truth
Sunflowers Perennials also known as helianthus anus can be commonly seen in gardens, as it is easy to maintain, offering an aesthetic view and nutritious seeds. As the name…
Can Dogs Eat Lychee? If You are a Pet Owner you Should Know This
Can Dogs Eat Lychee: Lychee is the only part of sapindacae or soapberry family of flowers, scientifically litchi is known as litchi chinesis. It is quite popular in tropical…