Mapped: Which U.S. States Want to Scrap the Time Change Permanently?



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Mapped: Which U.S. States Want to Scrap the Time Change

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And so it’s that time again to spring forward.

It’s on this infamous weekend in March that we all sacrifice one hour of precious sleep in order to get a little more sunlight in our day.

But more and more, people around the world are saying that Daylight Saving Time is outdated and antiquated—and several state governments have acted on this sentiment.

This map by USAFacts highlights the two states that no longer observe the time change (Arizona and Hawaii are permanently on standard time), and the 20 that have passed legislation to switch to Daylight Saving Time permanently.

Locking in an Extra Hour of Evening?

Below is the data that shows which states have passed permanent legislation so far.

State Type Label
Florida Legislation enacted in 2018 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
Delaware Legislation enacted in 2019 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
Maine Legislation enacted in 2019 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
Oregon Legislation enacted in 2019 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
Tennessee Legislation enacted in 2019 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
Washington Legislation enacted in 2019 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
Idaho Legislation enacted in 2020 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
Louisiana Legislation enacted in 2020 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
South Carolina Legislation enacted in 2020 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
Utah Legislation enacted in 2020 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
Wyoming Legislation enacted in 2020 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
Colorado Legislation enacted in 2022 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
Kentucky Resolution passed in 2022 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
Alabama Legislation enacted in 2021 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
Georgia Legislation enacted in 2021 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
Minnesota Legislation enacted in 2021 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
Mississippi Legislation enacted in 2021 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
Montana Legislation enacted in 2021 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
Ohio Resolution passed in 2023 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed
Arizona Opted out of daylight saving time in 1968. The Navajo Nation in northeast Arizona observes daylight saving time. Permanent standard time
Hawaii Did not adopt daylight saving time after the passage of the Uniform Time Act. Permanent standard time
Oklahoma Legislation enacted in 2024 Permanent daylight saving time legislation enacted or resolution passed

Interestingly, even with 20 states wanting permanent Daylight Saving Time throughout the year, it’s all basically moot.

That’s because states can’t legally adopt DST permanently unless the federal government acts first. And although a bill to do this has been introduced multiple times in Congress (“The Sunshine Protection Act”) since 2018, it has yet to be enacted.

So for now, you’ll have to swallow the tough pill of less sleep to get your evening light. But in the future, who knows?

Learn More on the Voronoi App

What does the sun’s schedule look like in London, Sydney, and New York under Daylight Saving Time? Check out this slideshow on Voronoi to see.

The post Mapped: Which U.S. States Want to Scrap the Time Change Permanently? appeared first on Visual Capitalist.


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