Multivac New Zealand introduces Plantic eco Plastic™



Multivac New Zealand has announced that it will commence exclusive distribution of Plantic eco Plastic™ ultra high barrier sustainable packaging materials in the New Zealand market.

“Multivac is pleased to be able to offer our customers this range of unique sustainable ultra high barrier packaging materials which complements our equipment and service offering” said Stephen Holmes MD Multivac New Zealand. “This move is part of our strategy to give our customers a comprehensive service and we are pleased to be partnering with Plantic, a global leader in sustainable materials.”

“The move into materials is part of our multimillion dollar facility expansion and designed to provide our customers with end to end service” Mr Holmes added, “we will be showcasing the Plantic eco Plastic™ product running in our application center, as part of our formal facility opening in September.”

Plantic eco Plastic™ has an oxygen transmission rate of less than one-tenth of one percent and creates a new class of ultra high barrier packaging materials. This unique new packaging has the potential to significantly increase shelf life and improve product freshness.

“eco Plastic™ raises the bar for barrier packaging,” says Brendan Morris, Plantic Technologies CEO. “Customers benefit from both improved shelf life and the tremendous environmental benefits; every 100 tons of eco Plastic™ used saves enough energy to power 200 homes for a year and is the CO2 equivalent of planting 42,000 trees. “ The bio-based material contains up to 80 percent renewable content and use up to 25 percent less energy than conventional polymers throughout the complete product lifecycle.

Plantic’s eco Plastic™ broad product range covers premade rigid trays through to rigid and flexible thermoformable roll stock. The material runs on Multivac standard thermoforming, vacuum forming and form-fill-seal systems. Plantic eco Plastic™ materials require no investment in new processing or packaging technology. They are a drop-in replacement for a range of traditional plastics used in modified atmosphere and Ultra high-barrier packaging.

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