
The Top Post-Consumer Recycled Resin (PCR) Products from Mold-Rite

America Recycles Day is November 15. This year we’re celebrating by getting the word out about recycled plastics and sharing our...

Produce Stickers: The Benefits of Going Compostable

Unlocking the benefits of compostable produce...

As the world changes, we need to change with it. With the global effort to go green, companies strive more to...

Are Your Leftover Containers Microwave Safe?

When it comes to the food service industry, food safety and convenience are top priorities for consumers. Enjoying a sandwich or meal on the...

Fachpack 2019 presents PaperFoam and DE-Pack collaboration

The post Fachpack 2019 presents PaperFoam and DE-Pack collaboration appeared first on Paperfoam. Source:

We are creatures of habit. When something works, we tend to stick with it until it doesn’t anymore, often even ignoring better alternatives when...

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