Two new important publications for the enhanced weathering world



In the last few days two important new publications were published that we want to draw your attention to:

1. CARBON DIOXIDE REMOVAL – Europe and Germany’s Role in Catalyzing a Trillion-Euro Industry

We had the honor to be involved in the creation of a new study analyzing build-up scenarios for the global CDR industry until 2050 and the potential opportunities for Europe, and especially for Germany (study was published by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) commissioned by Deutscher Verband für negative Emissionen e.V. (DVNE)).

We need to CDR industry to scale up very quickly, this will only be possible if – apart from the climate effects – also the economics work and are supported by policy accordingly. The report evaluates the economic impact from the build-up of the upcoming new CDR industry. The idea is to make policy makers aware of the opportunities that building a completely new industry will have even outside of the climate effects. E.g. for 2050 the report estimates the CDR-induced economic potential by method for enhanced weathering at € 29-58 billion per year.

You can download the report and an executive summary from the BCG website.


2. A review of measurement for quantification of carbon dioxide removal by enhanced weathering in soil

This new paper is an important scientific overview of the measurements options for MRV for enhanced weathering, now coming to you as a peer reviewed paper. Thanks to the InPlanet team (they are one of our portfolio companies).

Lead author Matthew Clarkson says about it: “Whilst developing our internal methodology, we decided this knowledge needed to be shared rather than locked away in our drive until we completed the crediting process. We prioritized creating a resource that can accelerate the entire industry, offering the much-needed clarity required by the wider CDR community.”

Read the paper or download the PDF here.

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