Corporate Sustainability

ESG in Retirement Plans: 4 takeaways on the final rule

Sustainability MattersConsidering ESG factors is consistent with fiduciary dutyThe U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) finalized a rule last week that will remove barriers, real...

What the Red Trickle means for ESG

End of Week NotesWhy the anti-ESG campaign won’t workThe massive Red Wave that threatened to swamp Democrats in the midterm elections turned out to be a...

End of Week NotesAnd a must-read on how CRT is morphing into anti-ESG/”woke” capitalismTo say this year has been a challenging one for sustainable funds...

Investing in Water May Be Appealing, But Investors Have Few Compelling Choices

Sustainability MattersHere are some water stocks and water funds to considerThe case for investing in water is driven by the challenge of providing enough freshwater...

Sustainability MattersHint: It’s not end investors, asset managers, or corporations.A New York Times article this week shed some light on who is behind the...

Growth Bias Has Hurt Sustainable Equity Funds This Year

Sustainability MattersEnergy underweighting is not as big a factor.As the third quarter draws to a close, markets continue to struggle. Equities are in bear market...

ESG: Process v. Product

Sustainability MattersDo you know the difference?One way to clear up some of the confusion surrounding environmental, social, and governance investing is to distinguish between...

Institutional investors may have more exposure to cryptocurrency risk than they realize. We find that cryptocurrencies were a part of business for at least...

Mining Energy-Transition Metals: National Aims, Local Conflicts

Investors are scouting for companies that mine the metals needed in new energy technologies. But some mining projects key to the transition from fossil...

Why Is Climate-Transition Risk High in High Yield?

Investors increasingly focus on building greener portfolios. Some might expect bonds to be less exposed to climate-transition risk compared to equities, due to the...

What Biden’s Climate Plan Means for US Utilities

Joe Biden is targeting net-zero carbon emissions in the United States by 2050, but the target date for electricity generation would come 15 years...

Scope 3 Carbon Emissions: Seeing the Full Picture

How can investors identify emissions throughout the value chain of companies in their portfolios? We explain what these “Scope 3” emissions are, why they...

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