Save money by learning how to grow a peach tree from germinated peach pits. (It works for plums and cherries too!)
How to Grow a Peach Tree From Seed (Hint: Don’t Toss Those Pits!)
Save money by growing a peach tree from seed. It’s amazingly easy! My video on how to germinate peach pits has more than 500,000 views since I posted it a few years ago. Watch it below.
Since posting that instructional video, I have received a lot of comments and e-mails from people thanking me for showing them how to grow a peach tree by planting a peach pit.
Recently, my friend Amanda sent these two pictures of her peach-sprouting success.
How Do You Germinate Peach Pits?
Some years ago, I discovered in some dusty corner of the Internet that peach pits require cold stratification to germinate. Cold stratification is a technique used to simulate real-world conditions that a seed would get outdoors after a frozen winter that gives way to a warm, wet spring.
There are six methods of cold stratification to choose from when growing a peach tree from seed:
- Cold water soaking
- Refrigeration
- Fall planting
- Winter/solstice sowing
- Outdoor treatment
- Snow planting
I put this knowledge to the test with great success, starting about 50 peach pits I found beneath an abandoned and squirrel-ravaged Tropic Beauty peach tree growing a few miles from my old place in North Florida.
I did this experiment despite the fact that there are hordes of small-minded gardeners who take great pleasure in lecturing everyone about the utter worthlessness of starting fruit trees from seed.
These people are wrong.
You May Also Enjoy:
“How to Grow 21 Amazing Fruit Trees From Seed”
Here’s Proof That Growing a Peach Tree From Seed Works!
Here’s a video I did showing some of my seed-grown peach trees in fruit:
And here are two pictures of some of the delicious fruit I got as a result of germinating peach pits in my very own refrigerator:
In their second year, my two seedling peach trees produced about 5 gallons of fruit. They continued to massively outproduce the grafted peach trees I planted before them, plus they grew with more vigor.
Knowing how to grow a peach tree from seed is a great thing to learn, and parlaying this into growing a variety of fruit trees is a huge amount of fun too. Check out this video on how I germinated other fruit trees from seed!
Sometimes the “experts” aren’t necessarily correct. They are just people who say things adamantly because they’ve heard other people say them. Heck with that.
Learn the tricks to planting a peach pit, and you get a free fruit tree. Easy!
You May Also Enjoy:
“Planting Fruit Trees in Fall: 11 Tips for Success”
The same method works for plums and cherries too. And if that’s not enough, you can read about sprouting avocados here.
Finally, here’s how to grow a peach tree by germinating peach pits, cartoon-style:

Note: I’ve found success both in removing the seed kernel from the hull and in planting the whole pit intact.
What Do You Think?
Have you had success growing a peach tree from seed? Or if you are just now hearing that planting a peach pit is possible, let us know how your own germination experiments go! We’d love to hear from you in the comments below.
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This is an updated version of an article that was originally published on July 7, 2017. The author may not currently be available to respond to comments; however, we encourage our Community members to chime in to share their experiences and answer questions!
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The post How to Grow a Peach Tree From Seed (Hint: Don’t Toss Those Pits!) appeared first on The Grow Network.